Looking for a representative in every county!
We are working with legislators and a legal action team for an interim study as well as gathering information for a class action law suit to present to Oklahoma Magistrates magistrates at the city, county, and state level in order to investigate the hospitals, doctors, medical professionals, doctors and insurance companies for participating in the actions that led to the unnecessary deaths due to COVID protocols being pushed.
We are looking for a person in each County in Oklahoma that has lost someone due to the COVID Protocols, this person must be able to provide their medical records a wrongful death and be willing to sign a legal affidavit stating to the best of your knowledge, you believe a loved one died unnecessarily as a result of fraud, gross negligence, malpractice, or conspiracy to kill for profit. If you believe this may be you, please fill out the form below and someone from our team will contact you to see if you are a good candidate to represent your county in this issues!