We are needing volunteers to help with this Human Trafficking Event! We will be having a meeting on August 2nd, 2023 at 7PM to discuss the ways we need volunteers for the event! Please sign up on the form and we will be in touch with volunteer opportunity and more event details!
Ways to volunteer: phone calling, inviting magistrates, fundraising, advertising, event coordinating, day of event help, and more!
Human Trafficking Awareness & Action Event
On September 23rd & 24th, the Ekklesia will be hosting a human trafficking awareness event with special guest Jaco Booyens. We will be needing many volunteers to help make this event as fruitful in changing the way this state has been "fighting" against the atrocity of human trafficking in our borders! There will be lots of help needed to get all of the magistrates (legislatures, sheriffs, judges, etc.) and people of Oklahoma to this event. Here are some of the ways you will be able to volunteer: phone calling, inviting magistrates, fundraising, advertising, event coordinating, day of event help, and more to come! Please fill out the form abouve to be contacted about how YOU can help! We want to make real change in Oklahoma and to do it we need your help!