The Ekklesia by definition and historical account, refers to a legislative & judicial branch of government. The term was commonly used in the Roman Empire, approximately 680 years prior to the birth of our Savior, Jesus Christ. These "called out" or "sent ones", were males of fighting age and their presence was required when the gathering was called.
This gathering when assembled was called The Ekklesia. Here laws, ordinances, decrees and decesions would be made that would determine the direction of cities, regions and even if the people would engage in physcial warfare and apprehend new territories.
Jesus intentionally used the word Ekklesia to describe His CHURCH (Ekklesia) His governmental body left to rule and reign on the Earth until His return! Jesus made it abundantly clear that the Ekklesia would be built by Himself and on the revelation of His identity as The Messiah King and would withstand the very gates of hell.
We believe that The Ekklesia (THE CHURCH), the called out and sent ones who are redeemed image bearers classified as Sons of God, by way of repentance of sin, faith in Jesus, and commitment to follow and obey his teachings and voice, are the ONLY hope for genuine city and cultural transformation.